List of speakers

Long Talks (45-50 min)

  1. Nina Amini
    Title of Talk: To be announced soon

  2. Adam Burchardt
    Title of Talk: To be announced soon

  3. Dmitry Grinko
    Title of Talk: To be announced soon

  4. Seung KyeSeoul National University, Department of Mathematics
    Title of Talk: Schmidt number witnesses for k-edge states

  5. Lajos Molnar
    Title of Talk: To be announced soon

  6. Alexander Müller-HermesUniversity of Oslo
    Title of Talk: To be announced soon

  7. Hiroyuki OsakaRitsumeikan University, Japan
    Title of Talk: Generalized Hellinger divergences generated by monotone functions

  8. Thomas Schulte-HerbrüggenTU-Munich, School of Natural Sciences
    Title of Talk: Reachability and Observability in Quantum Systems Theory: Aspects of a Unified Lie Frame

  9. Peter ŠemrlInstitute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Slovenia
    Title of Talk: From Loewner’s characterization of operator monotone functions to fundamental

  10. Frederik vom Ende
    Title of Talk: Deciding k-Positivity via Optimization Problems

Short Talks (25-30 min)

  1. Jofre Abellanet VidalUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Title of Talk: Absolute separability bounds for bipartite and multipartite systems
  2. Jennifer AhiableUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Title of Talk: The Geometry of Absolute Separability and some Related Absolute Convex Sets of States
  3. Remigiusz AugusiakCenter for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
    Title of Talk: To be announced soon
  4. Pedro DieguezInternational Center for Theory of Quantum Technologies, University of Gdańsk
    Title of Talk: Demonstration of the equivalence of entropic uncertainty with wave particle duality
  5. Arnau Diebra HuertasUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Title of Talk: How much entangled is a bound entangled state?
  6. Ryszard Paweł KosteckiInternational Center for Theory of Quantum Technologies, University of Gdańsk; Research Center for Quantum Information, Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
    Title of Talk: Causal and subfactor spectral presheafs: a toolbox for context-dependent study of vacuum algebraic quantum field theory
  7. Jordi Romero-PallejàUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Title of Talk: Can we do better than the PPT criterion?
  8. Wojciech BruzdaCenter for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
    Title of Talk: Perfect Tensors and Multipartite Entanglement
  9. Ryszar Wojnar – Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS, Poland 
    Title of Talk: Hexatic phase is a 2d analogue of quantum theory
  10. Adamantia Zampeli – ICTQT University of Gdansk, Poland 
    Title of Talk: Towards local and compositional measurements in quantum field theory